Have Questions?

Call  our Membership Chairperson

Michelle Spoor:


You can receive your newsletter via email or on this website.

General Meetings
These meetings are intended to not only conduct any association business but also to assist our members with resources and education.

The following are examples of some things you will find at a meeting:

Informative speakers
There are no speakers scheduled at the moment due to COVID 19.

Continuing Education Opportunities

Conferences and workshops are offered for a nominal fee to our members to assist them with their efforts in continuing their education in the field of child care. We also provide members with information regarding opportunities available from other associations and resources related to child care.

Child Care Referrals
Membership includes utilization of our referral service. Our goal is to assist providers with locating potential clients and parents with locating a provider who meets their needs.
(NOTE: Referrals are for licensed providers who are OCCCA members residing in Orange County, California)


Family Child Care Providers: Become a Member

The Orange County Child Care Association would like to invite you to join (or rejoin) our professional organization for licensed Family Child Care Providers. Membership is for licensed family child care providers residing in Orange County. With your paid membership you will receive benefits which include a

bi-monthly newsletter, general meetings, workshops and child care referrals. Please take this opportunity to become part of the solution as we all work together to deliver quality child care. 

Complete the application online. There is a $45 fee for a 1-year membership.